Change Your Existing Password

Applies to: All Students and Employees

Problems? Email

STEP 1  

Go to and login with your Penn West account.


Click "Change Password."


Enter your old password and create a new password (enter it twice) and then click "Submit." Make sure your new password meets all the criteria.

Password Requirements

  • Password must be at least 12 characters in length.
  • Password must be different than the previous 10 passwords.
  • Password must contain at least 2 additional type of character: Number, Capital Letter, or “Special Character” in addition to Lowercase Letters.
  • Password expires in 1 year


After clicking "Submit," you will be prompted to login by entering your new password.

Reminder: Make sure you update each of your devices that use your PennWest account with your new password!

Pending approval by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education ©2022 Pennsylvania Western University